Monday, 23 February 2015

Swimming & the new Electrosex Wand

I dont swim much and I never really liked the idea if swimming in the chastity device. There have been a few reasons why. When I go swimming I've mostly got the children with us (we have 3) and my wife dosnt always come in with us so it can make it difficult in the changing room. Also I've always got this slight fear someone will spot it in your trunks while swimming. The last reason is just the fear of the whole thing falling off, despite the unlikelihood of this happening. 

I have swam in it more recently, but only the looker 3. The children are getting so they have their own cubicles and with the PA loop locked through then end of my penis theres no way its ever coming of without the key!

Tonight was different, no cubicles and in a place where my pierced nipples get the odd strange look so imagine turning up to the open changing room in a shiny steel chastity cage! The freedom was nice. I'd hoped when we got back that Mistress Keyheld might allow me a little penetration, but no her new wand from Uberkinky came out that she's really growing to love. I had to be the best supporting (out of chastity) husband while she enjoyed her wand and orgasm.

Afterwards she instructed me to lock up again. I guess thats a life in chastity, not always interesting 

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