Sunday, 22 March 2015

What I leant watching Fifty Shades of Grey

Well there been a lot of hype about the fifty shades books and film and I was hoping it might bring a little BDSM to the main stream. I was mistaken and what any 'ordinary' person would have learned from the film is
  • BDSM is for damaged individuals
  • BDSM is bad
  • Anastasia must rescue Christian from his dark past
  • its ok to be in a relationship where one is in a position of power and the other is a subordinate (Christian is a sponsor of the collage where Anastasia is a student)
  • You're able to know all of your kinks before trying them (as stated in the contract)
  • Its ok to stalk people and control them
  • Its ok to use the word 'normal'
Unfortunately I also leant a lot about two dimensional characters and no plot to speak of from the film too. Such a shame as I was looking forward to something that was at least titillating 

Monday, 23 February 2015

Swimming & the new Electrosex Wand

I dont swim much and I never really liked the idea if swimming in the chastity device. There have been a few reasons why. When I go swimming I've mostly got the children with us (we have 3) and my wife dosnt always come in with us so it can make it difficult in the changing room. Also I've always got this slight fear someone will spot it in your trunks while swimming. The last reason is just the fear of the whole thing falling off, despite the unlikelihood of this happening. 

I have swam in it more recently, but only the looker 3. The children are getting so they have their own cubicles and with the PA loop locked through then end of my penis theres no way its ever coming of without the key!

Tonight was different, no cubicles and in a place where my pierced nipples get the odd strange look so imagine turning up to the open changing room in a shiny steel chastity cage! The freedom was nice. I'd hoped when we got back that Mistress Keyheld might allow me a little penetration, but no her new wand from Uberkinky came out that she's really growing to love. I had to be the best supporting (out of chastity) husband while she enjoyed her wand and orgasm.

Afterwards she instructed me to lock up again. I guess thats a life in chastity, not always interesting 

Sunday, 15 February 2015

This isn't the blog you're looking for!

I've known for a long time that I'm never going to be the best writer, or blogger on here. My spelling is awful and my typing / auto correct is bad too. My writing structure is flawed. I only just learned the difference between your and you're. I only write those short entries in spare moments on my phone so they are not in depth or necessarily well crafted.

If you want a great blog to read, try thumpers blog, or ruffled-sheets, carasutra, Tom Allen writes amazing stuff too. They are all well crafted blogs, well written, edited, they have nice pictures and are professional. So remember this isn't the blog you're looking for, so move along.

However I do sometimes have things I want to say that take more than 140 characters so here it is in all its unfinished mess 

Valentine's didn't go so well

It was a lovely start to Valentine's Day this year. Being on a Saturday ment we could have a little lay in. The children were either asleep or still in their rooms so it was looking good. 

Mistresskeyheld seemed up for fun too and after a little foreplay she asked if I wanted her to unlock me? Of course I said it was her choice, but explaned it probibaly wasn't going to last long after 44 days locked in a chastity cage. The two locks came out and the cage came off, but I had to go and give myself a wash which sort of interrupted the fun. 

True to form on my return and some more foreplay and that lovely moment of penetration that's like your losing your virginity all over again I was on the edge of orgasm. After asking her to slow down. She wasn't close and Valentine's Day is shurly a day 'she should come first' we moved on to some cunnilingus (it's fitting the word is a kind of tongue twister) that's when it happened!

Nope it wasn't her orgasm, but a dribble of cum that signified a spontaneous ruined orgasm. I tried to stop it happening but I just couldn't.

It left me feeling disappointed that I haven't satisfied mistresskeyheld. 

Now it's male chastity day something I've been trying to premote for the last few months and here I am currently unlocked. Hope mistresskeyheld entered into the spirit of things later

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Did you put your chastity cage back on?

Weekends are something I always look forward to, often my wife and I will take a bath together and will unlock me so the cage can be cleaned.

We came up with a few a long time ago now where I'll do the shaving of my penis and balls, I'll put the cage back on, but she will clean me and play with my penis.

Today was no different I brought the key safe down, my wife unlocked the two locks on my cage and pa loop then I slide the loop out and cage off. The ring stays on as normal, it's still easy to clean with it on and the cage goes straight back on afterwards. 

The cleaning is often done with some Lynx shower gel and a net bath scrunchy thing that's quite abrasive when rubbed up and down your rather tender penis.  I suppose it gets rid of some of that dead skin that doesn't come off so well when locked in chastity. Often some of the shower gel gets into my pa hole and can sting while the cleaning is going on. I love the fact that my wife takes time to clean me but don't always like the act itself. 

Next the bit I like, the teasing and hopefully some edging. She'll often then start rubbing my penis with just her hands usually still with soap of some sort. I can almost achieve an edge or two, but today was different. She used some Vaseline which made me edge much quicker which meant i could get 3 edges in after only a couple of minutes. Bath time was cut short and she went upstairs and i got out of the bath and as usual cleaned the little chastity cage and put it back on with pa loop and all. i gave her the keys back when i went upstairs to our bedroom.

later that evening when mistresskeyheld was in the mood she asked "did you put your chastity cage back on?"

"of course" was my reply

"Thats a shame as I was going to let you have a little slip , slide in my pussy"

Of course she didn't mention unlocking me for a treat.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Male Chastity Day

Male chastity is every day in our house I hear you say. Well that's great that you've managed to work male Chastity into your relationship but please join in and help support the push to encourage others into this kink / lifestyle, spot please reblog, and share.

So what's it for?

This all started in a conversation on twitter in late 2013

Well apart from the obvious of locking your man up its really for all those kinky couples who like to try new stuff but they have a whole draw of vibrators, stokers, sexy lingerie, maybe a whip or two. There. Problem is this with Valentine's Day fast approaching what am I going to get the other half for valentines? They've got everything? Of course it's almost obligatory to get roses on valentines but what else?

That's where male chastity comes in and it's also why it's on the day after valentines. You give the gift of a chastity device to your partner and suggest #malechastityday would be a great time to try it out. 

Can there be anything more sexy than giving your partner the keys to your pleasure? Even if it's just for a day. Of course we're not advocating any length of lock up just whatever you fell happy with. 

It's important to understand this isn't a fidelity thing. If you don't trust your partner than this isn't for you. 

Want to try this out? my favourite supplier is UberKinky  

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Always more

It's so nice when my wife and I make love in the 'normal' way. By normal I mean I'm in my chastity cage and I wear a strap on that she loves to ride. We kiss and make love like we used to. I love the kissing and the cuddling, even the thrusting reminds me of sex before chastity. It lasts longer as we don't have to worry about my orgasm, just hers. She told me she's like a slightly longer dildo than the 8 inch one we used today. She also told me she's like a new hitachi wand for Valentine's Day. 

All these things I love, but here's still a bit of me that misses my orgasm. 

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Custom chastity device

Should I buy a custom chastity device? 

A question often asked by people on Twitter. First I wouldn't recommend you go custom on your first device as you may get the measurements totally wrong or you might hate it! There are lots of inexpensive devices about that's are admitidly sometimes only short term wear / play devices. If you want something a bit more long term then try the Holy Trainer 2. 

As for the original custom question, that depends on how much you wear it. I've come up with a fool prof way of deciding:

Every time you have a pinch from your device then put 10p in a pot. Depending on how long you wear it or how comfortable it is your either going to decide to stick with what you have or buy that custom device you've been wanting.

Custom is great if you get it right. Sometimes it can take a few adjustments to get it right. Two things are important you have when ordering your custom chastity device, patients and money!