Weekends are something I always look forward to, often my wife and I will take a bath together and will unlock me so the cage can be cleaned.
We came up with a few a long time ago now where I'll do the shaving of my penis and balls, I'll put the cage back on, but she will clean me and play with my penis.
Today was no different I brought the key safe down, my wife unlocked the two locks on my cage and pa loop then I slide the loop out and cage off. The ring stays on as normal, it's still easy to clean with it on and the cage goes straight back on afterwards.
The cleaning is often done with some Lynx shower gel and a net bath scrunchy thing that's quite abrasive when rubbed up and down your rather tender penis. I suppose it gets rid of some of that dead skin that doesn't come off so well when locked in chastity. Often some of the shower gel gets into my pa hole and can sting while the cleaning is going on. I love the fact that my wife takes time to clean me but don't always like the act itself.
Next the bit I like, the teasing and hopefully some edging. She'll often then start rubbing my penis with just her hands usually still with soap of some sort. I can almost achieve an edge or two, but today was different. She used some Vaseline which made me edge much quicker which meant i could get 3 edges in after only a couple of minutes. Bath time was cut short and she went upstairs and i got out of the bath and as usual cleaned the little chastity cage and put it back on with pa loop and all. i gave her the keys back when i went upstairs to our bedroom.
later that evening when mistresskeyheld was in the mood she asked "did you put your chastity cage back on?"
"of course" was my reply
"Thats a shame as I was going to let you have a little slip , slide in my pussy"
Of course she didn't mention unlocking me for a treat.