Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Male Chastity Day 2017

Here we are again. This is the 4th official male chastity day. Our objectives are simple - to let people know about male chastity and hope they can investigate and discover the benefits for both men who are a chaste and for those who keep them chaste. 
Chastity is a term often used as a gateway to many other kinks. Just like sexuality it’s diverse and means different things to each of those practicing it. It’s not our place when promoting male chastity day to tell people which of these diverse paths they should specifically follow. It’s not for us to set times or goals. This is not religion even though many are evangelical about chastity. 
Each person that reads this can help in a small way even if it’s just reposting or retweeting this. If we could get the hashtag #MaleChastityDay trending than that would be great! If your also brace enough maybe you could share something on Facebook?
It’s also important we keep all our efforts focused on one day of February 15th. Fragmentation of this date weakens the whole idea and fatigues those that might also help the cause. 
Valentines is over, if you have a chastity cage and a penis that isn’t locked, then today is the day to lock that penis up. If you don’t have a cage then check out the online retailers who you may find are discounting today to help promote chastity. 
Promote considerately and play safe friends!

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